So Amanda and I are writing a movie. It's a typical boy meets girl story, only it's animated and the people are turtles. And the boy turtle, Stan, was deeply in love with his best friend turtle, Michelle. Michelle loved her best friend turtle, Stan. Everyone knew that Stan loved Michelle except for Michelle. And everyone knew that Michelle loved Stan except for Stan. They flirted and texted and hung out and had adventures. They could talk about nothing all night long, and often did. People began asking turtle Michelle why she and Stan weren't dating. She did not know the answer. She wanted to be with Stan but She knew it was his responsibility to ask her, cause that's the turtle way. So she waited, and waited. They still texted and talked and had adventures. Then one day he stoped texting Michelle back. Poor Michelle didn't know what she had done wrong. He acted normal on there adventures but he would not talk back. So she decided to stop texting him at all. He went away on vacation for a while. And while he was gone she decided she was done waiting. He missed her very much on his trip. He realized the maybe he should ask her out because no one understood him like Michelle did. And when he returned he finally called her and asked her to dinner and a movie. She said yes. At dinner Stan asked Michelle to be his girlfriend. But Michelle had moved on and she told him that she got tired of waiting. He was heartbroken for she was his perfect turtle match. But he waited to long.
Moral of the story? Put on your big boy pants and go for it.
The end